
Showing posts from November, 2020

Games Stories

(A book) ( Today Im going to be talking about the reading for this week. The reading for this week is about systematic storytelling and what kind of story telling it is. Systematic story telling is story telling through game mechanics so they are the ultimate choose your own adventure game because the story is told through game rules and game systems instead of a linear story. An example of this would be crusader kings 2 where you play a medieval leader be it historic or made by yourself and you rule land from a small barony to a whole empire wit different government systems and interaction between characters this game tells its own story through each Ai interaction provide the story tol...


(Unity screenshot) Today I will be discussing the alpha of my game and how I am getting on with making it. I have been working making the door work with different coloured pressure pads. This was slightly difficult to figure out as each pressure pad needed to be different as it would activated by a crate of the same colour. I had this bugging me for a bit of time but eventually I assigned each one a tag according its colour and I assigned each crate a tag so they are triggered by the specific crate. I also figured out how to make the door only open once for each crate so you cannot open the door with just one crate by taking it off and put it on. I made a prototype level sort of a tutorial and it’s playable This is a big development for me because I thought it would take me way longer to figure out how to link the crate to the pressure pad. The fact I figured it out now I can now focus on getting assets and making the puzzles this makes creating the final game much easier as I esse...

Unity Tutorial 09

  (unity logo) ( Im going to talk about the unity tutorial for this week The unity tutorial for this week was a short one it helped go over how enemy waves work and how to spawn more enemies and power ups each wave making it harder and harder. This is a useful tutorial if someone is making a tower defence game or a wave shooter personally it has no real use to me as of right now because there is no enemy in my game you just solve puzzles. The challenge for this week was a difficult one but going back over the previous tutorial helped immensely it didn’t take me too long to complete once I figured it out.

Review Week Comments and Feedback

  (blogger logo) ( Im going to be talking about blog comments and how they influence my work flow in this semester. Personally I found the blog comments a bit useless for me. I found that people did not really give e useful feedback and I didn’t derive anything form the comments I received. I personally think for myself I cannot say about others in the class the blog comments where a failure. I found it more useful to get feedback face to face from my friends on discord who are in my class we usually show of our games to each other and if we encounter problem we can bring it to each other and work o n a fix. Giving blog comments I dint find useful I feel like the other people in class think like me so they probably do not read them and if the quality of other blog comments are similar to mine its mostly just positive things about my game which is good but I need criticism as well.   ...

Week 9 Reading and Writing

  (Unity logo) ( Hello today im going to be talking about some of the reading I done I the pass on game design and which ones I found the most useful and most enjoyable. I personally thought that the GDD game design document reading was very useful it gave me a real insight into how games are made by people and the processes more professional people go through to make video games. The game design document really helped establish some ideas I had for the game and even thou8gh I feel that I will not sue all the ideas that I have outlined in my game design document I still fell that if I was making a game as part of large team and if I was making a game that would later on be put up for sale it would be useful for all party’s evolved to know what is in the game design document it also helps to develop ideas when you are working on the document. I found some off the reading at the start of the semester usef...

First playable

  (simple drawing) Im going to be talking about my game prototype I have currently developed a prototype of my game which is playable I still have a lot of kinks to work but hopefully once I figure out how to make the puzzles work the game should be a breeze to complete. I simply need to match each movable object with a tag and make it so when that object is placed on a specific pressure pad it opens the door I also need to make the door open and close when there is no item on the pressure pad. This shouldn’t be hard. As soon as I work out all these kinks I can move on to the puzzles themselves I have drawn out a prototype puzzle of something similar I want in the game but I might work on it al little more so it works better. I will also try get some feedback from fellow colleagues for some puzzles to improve hem and make them more fun and challenging. I hope to work out the kinks next week and begin making the first level soon. This will most likely be a somewhat tutorial leve...

Unity Tutorial 07

(unity logo) ( I will be talking about the unity tutorial for this week.   So the Unity tutorial for this week brought up lot of new features that will be useful for the game Im planning to make.   The camera movement is the first as I require something similar for my game as I plan to have the camera angled above the level and be able to rotate around so that you can see the level form multiple angels. The power up mechanic is another one as I could use it to give the player items when he or she picks something up for example a key for a door and the power up could result in opening the door. To another area also the appearing mechanic of the power up affect could be implemented into my game I feel like I could change it somehow to work with a button to make an item appear in an area of the level. Im excited to see what is next in the tutorials an...

Game Fun

  Reading Week 8 “Game Fun" Games can be described by the 3 components Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics (MDA) or otherwise stated as rules – system – “fun” . The three reading selections this week and the synopsis below all address the term “fun” in relation to game design. There are eight types of Fun outlined by the MDA. These eight are both a source of reference and player experience that blend together in many ways, and essentially what makes a game engaging and enjoyable. Figure 1: Eight kinds of Fun Both Oxford and Merrian dictionaries define Fun as an enjoyment, delight but within the context of a game it refers to a form of pleasurable entertainment. MDA papers define the '8 kinds of fun' sensation, fantasy, narrative, challenge, fellowship, discovery, expression, and submission, remain a source of reference and possibly the most popular list of player interactions combining in various forms to attract each player to a particular game. Nicole Lazzaro presents f...


(unity logo) ( I want to start off with some basic player movement so he can walk and jump, after this I will try and design some levels. I start of by watching several tutorials on player movement just so I refresh my memory on the topic. I wanted to make movement WASD and make the camera third or first person. I began to make this happen the movement didn’t take me a while to make but I was reminded of the game Grim Fandango and then I thought of making player movement based on clicking. I watched several tutorials on how to achieve this. The click movement gain did not take a while to make. I can see in the future pathing of the player being an issue. I want the camera of each section being static and being able to look over the entire level from a corner.   I also tried my hand at some level design but I scraped everything I made as I was not happy wi...

Unity Tutorial 06

   (Unity logo) ( Today im going to be talking about the unity tutorial and the challenge for this week.   The tutorial was short but a useful one music is a key in every successful game it helps bring people in and immerse them in the experience that is the game. The same can be said for poor sound if the sound doesn’t sound as well as it should it might distract the player and ruin his immersion in the game. Since we now know how too ad sound into the game it will be useful to try make a sound track for the game. The particle aspect of the tutorial is also useful since now we can make the game look even better with particles. IT too helps to immerse the player in the game world making it look realistic particles can be sued to add impact to things or help bring terrain to be livelier.   The challenge was again helped me improve my ski...

Games Decisions

  Video “In order for the player to be optimally engaged, challenges should be presented at a level equivalent or slightly higher than their current skill. Not too easy, not too hard”( Gigity McD ) The word 'flow state' was coined by Csikszentmihalyi (1975) also known as being “in the zone” This is when the player is fully engaged in the game experience. Csikszentmihalyi put a lot of work into observing and analyzing various groups of people. This theory is focused on the idea of how people should balance their skills and the demands of particular tasks. An example of Flow would be a challenge in a game that interests the player such as a puzzle or a boss battle meant to keep the player interested and not get bored. Csikszentmihalyi also states that flow is related to an ideal psychological condition when a person engages in a challenge-skill activity, often resulting in concentration and a focused emphasis on a task. A practical technique for improving Flow is to look at what...

Game Design Document

  (Low poly landscape) ( Here is my Game design document hope you enjoy reading  Ruin Explorer Game design document Aleskander Smyczynski B00124763                 Index 1.     Index 2.    2.Game design A. Summary B. Gameplay 3.    Technical A. Screens B. Controls C. Mechanics 4.   Level Design A. Areas B. Game flow 5.    Graphics A. Style B. Graphics needed 6.    Sounds A. Sound B. Music 7.    Schedule                     Game Design   Summary The player is an adventurer who explores ruins for treasure. He goes in to a new ruin and has to solve puzzles find keys and use his brain to get the treasure that he is searching for. ...