Week 9 Reading and Writing


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Hello today im going to be talking about some of the reading I done I the pass on game design and which ones I found the most useful and most enjoyable.

I personally thought that the GDD game design document reading was very useful it gave me a real insight into how games are made by people and the processes more professional people go through to make video games. The game design document really helped establish some ideas I had for the game and even thou8gh I feel that I will not sue all the ideas that I have outlined in my game design document I still fell that if I was making a game as part of large team and if I was making a game that would later on be put up for sale it would be useful for all party’s evolved to know what is in the game design document it also helps to develop ideas when you are working on the document.

I found some off the reading at the start of the semester useful especially about goals and time management. The article on setting yourself goals and making a checklist for each week really resonated with me I personally keep a checklist now on my phone for each task I have to complete and they get added and take away when I receive new or complete tasks I have each modules task on my phone so when I want to check what I still have to do I can glance at it where ever I am  I also have them ranked in terms of importance or when they are due so the ones on top have to be done asap. This has greatly improved my productivity and I feel much better about time management because of it I feel like I have more time for myself and work. Is till have to work on when I do work because as of right now each day is a both a work day and non-work day which isn’t great because if by Sunday I sometimes I feel burnt out over the week as I work every day I have to figure out which days I do less and which days I do more and which days I do nothing at all.

The decisions reading we all done together benefited me as it got me thinking on how I will be structuring my game and how levels will both fun and challenging for the player it got me thinking about how to make the levels and puzzles, It inspired me to make every basic puzzle that is not very good but it’s a start somewhere.

Im looking forward to making more puzzles that are better and more complex puzzles to make it more interesting for the player I should read some articles about puzzle design. Hopefully I will find some good articles.


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