Games Testing


(henry the hoover)

 Hello today im going to talk about the reading for this week

The reading for this week was a bout game testing and its importance before release to the public. Games can be tested for many different reasons, be it to see if the game is actually fun or if there are any hidden bugs or if there is any exploits or to check hardware compatibility. All these tests should be conducted before releasing the game as they are important to make sure the game is fun.

The way a person might test there game is through someone playing a prototype of the game. This will help determine if the game is too hard or if the game is fun to play or if all your walls are actually walls. Game testing is vital for any game it is similar to testing a product before releasing it to the public. If a company doesn’t test there new hover to see if it actually works and functions as intended this will hurt its sales because maybe there is a fault in the hoover that causes it break after just one use no one will want to buy a one use hoover.


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