Tutorial 01
Hello in todays unity tutorial I choose to xr.
This tutorial was mostly based on teaching you what xr is
and reviewing some xr apps on your phone. I reviewed snapchat as it is one of
the most popular xr apps here is the review.
Snapchat on a lower range android phone.
Snapchat is a messaging app that at its core allows people
to have very secret conversations. It achieves it by deleting the image and
messages sent after clicking into them and clicking out. New technology also
makes it one of the biggest ar apps due to such features as face swap and
turning your face into animals lie dogs or looking more youthful this part of
the app is used for fun and has no real other purpose.
The target audience is teenager’s young adults it is very
popular with both groups of people.
The application is ar and has several deferent implantations
it doesn’t only use your face it can also put virtual things in your
surrounding area. This makes the app a room wide experience also seated
Snapchat uses your gps to track you with your consent and
places you on a virtual world map allowing if you so choose for your friends to
see you, this also unlocks you special filters depending on where you are e.g
if you are standing at the Eiffel tower you can get a special filter.
The ar in the app is very strong and since the app is owned
by Facebook the technology is ahead of its competitors it also gets updated
Snapchat can be improved a lot by more ar features so far
the features aren’t useful and are only there as a side feature. Having the
most popular ar technology it can be developed to hbe a useful tool it could
include a ar measuring tool like a recent feature to the iPhone it could also
be used to see what a person look like with glasses or a hat however I
personally feel like the technology still need to improve for this to happen.
I feel like the review is pretty accurate for how most people
deal with snapchat.
The tutorial also included thinking of new xr apps.
Some of my ideas are
An app that lets you see how you look in different types of
clothes however xr would have to have better body tracking technology than
snapchat for this to work. This could be used by specific brands eg. You go on
the Nike store and it shows how you look like in a specific t-shirt or
tracksuit. This is already done with glasses by certain companies however I feel
there is a lot of improvement that has to be done.
Another idea was a drawing app that lets you draw on things
in the real world e.g you go up to a wall and draw a massive mural you could
even make it a game and have people go around and find peoples drawings similar
to Pokémon go.
There was an xr quiz at the end to test your knowledge as
All and all I thought e tutorial was good one to start of learning
about xr technology
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