Reading 03
Exploiting the 'video game craze': A
case study of the tobacco industry’s use of video games as a marketing tool.
Authors: McDaniel, Patricia Forsyth, Susan R
Release Date:2020/10/19
The purpose
The aim of
the authors McDaniel, Patricia and Forsyth, Susan R was to show how the tobacco
industry was and is using video games to market their product to young adults. The
tobacco companies figured out that young adults who play video games are an
attractive market ready to exploit as they were already using normal games like
card games and bar games to promote cigarettes. They had also of incorporating
video game themes into cigarette packaging and through particular corporate
The how
The authors
search through the tobacco industry’s previously undisclosed 15 million
documents at first using broad term such as video game and online gaming and
then narrowing there search into specific brand names they also search game
brands specifically made for bars. They identify 293 documents ranging from
1980 till 2008. This shows that the tobacco industry was interested in
marketing through video games. They identify that R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
Company wanted to “incorporate video game imagery into pack design “as a form
of marketing to young adults. R. J. Reynolds also wanted to advertise tobacco
near video game arcades as they believed that’s where young smokers “hung out
“. The authors state that tobacco companies turned back to the bar environment
as it was smoker friendly and adding video games to their bar games would fit.
A Philp Morris marketing manager said that "will draw the attention of
adult smokers to come over and participate" . They also talk about how Philip
Morris was interested in making a virtual reality game to advertise their
products with.
The Positive
The authors
go through the entire time line of the tobacco industry wanting to market
through video games showing how corporations use video games to market to young
adults/ children. It also shows how big corporations set up specific sites to
play games on in the Tabaco industries case it was sites that could play games
like bingo. The article is great as it shows that early on video game marketing
tactics can still and are being used today.
The Negative
The article
only has access to files from 1980 till 2008 and a lot has changed I the gaming
industry in the last 12 years with video games really exploding as a form of
entertainment and new media platforms emerging that promote video games.
How Are Modern Video Games Marketed?
Authors: Colin Charles Mathews Nia Wearn
Release Date: 26 July 2016
The purpose
The authors
Colin Charles Mathews and Nia Wearn wanted to show how AAA and indie developers
market there games and what similarities there are between the two marketing
style. Measure the influence that family and friends have over gamers
purchasing video games. Use surveys and questioners to gather this info.
The how
The article
gets its info from surveys and questioners that where given to game design
students. And the complied into graphs. The article five some statistics on the
gaming industry mainly related to the United Kingdom. The article states that
in “2014, the video games industry in the United Kingdom was worth £3.944bn”
which is a high number and is definitely a big industry with a lot of market
potential this number is a couple of years old however and the industry has
defiantly grown in that time. It also
states how much different types of game companies spend in there games stating
that AAA developers have multi-million budget even going up to a billion
sometimes. Whereas indie developers can have a low budget but can “pursue passion
projects or experiment with different ideas” which allows them to innovate.
Indie developers also can get marketing and financial support from publishers.
The Positive
The article
has a lot of first hand research that is sued to answer its question. It’s also
good first hand research as it asks people who play video games and soon will
be in the gaming industry making video games. This makes the questioners more
valuable than if they went out onto the street and asked random people who are
not involved in playing video games.
The Negative
questioners and surveys are too broad. They only asked a select number of
students with a low income which the article acknowledges this means that they
do not know how people with financial income, who own multiple consoles are
influenced by advertising. This is the only thing that is lacking form this
“Product placement in computer/video
games: an analysis of the impact on
customers purchasing decision”
Authors: Angelina Chernikova, Murilo Branco
Release: Thursday, 12 September 2019
The purpose
The purpose of
the paper was to see at the impact of product placement has on gamers in video games
and see how they respond to product placement in video games. The authors state
that compared to traditional forms of advertising in video games that product place
meant is generally perceived well by gamers as to a lot of gamers it add
realism to the game. Its purpose is also to help managers to find the best way
to reach customers.
The how
The paper
uses surveys to find its information, the survey had 467 respondents. The paper
states that the old way of advertising is becoming slowly obsolete especially with
new generation being less susceptible to it. It also works in video games as
they attract many different age groups. IT also states that this sort of advertising
is very uncertain and can’t be predicted with great precision, however players
do not consider the practice unethical or deceiving. The paper states that the product
placement most not distract from the game. The authors also state why advertising
in video games is useful as it has already surpassed the cinema industry at the
time the paper was written. Some gamers seem to find advertising intrusive but
for most it does noit affect the game.
The Positive
The paper
has a lot of respondents that it received for the survey and that allows it to have
wide range of perspectives. The paper also mentions a little history of product
placement in similar industries.
The Negative
The paper realise
on one survey to get tis info. It could have asked marketing managers for input
on product placement on games and it only mentions two games that I know of
that have product placement, it could have mentioned more games that have product
placement in them to show how popular the technique is.
Authors: PhD Alina SZUZ‐POP (GHIRVU)
Release: 1(19),2014
The purpose
The purpose
of the study was to find the influence that interactive advertising has on consumers
compared to older forms of advertising. The study does this by conducting a questioner
with controlled group with specific characteristics.
The how
The study stats
that the users find it more enjoyable when the users interact with he ads in
the video game and that there is a positive outlook on the brand that is being
advertised. The paper also states that this can change in the future and it is not
guaranteed that consumers will continue to enjoy this form off advertising.
The Positive
The survey
that the study sues is conducted over the period off 5 weeks giving it a lot of
time, the author of the survey also has a very controlled group that has specific
attributes so that the questions will be more accurate to that group.
The Negative
This studies
control group is way too broad it only applies to Romanians and does not consider
anyone outside the country also it realis on the questioner for all its facts which
isn’t great as the group is so bread.
Hello today im
going to talk about the reading task for this week and how I felt about doing it.
the task was interesting as it allowed me to reflect on the texts I found and I
learned a lot of new info on marketing in the video game world it also allowed
me to become more critical of journals and how they are written and there research
methods. I feel that the papers I choose where a good variety and they back
each other up with their research they talk about a lot of similar things.
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